Making medicine human

Rhazes leverages generative AI to handle all the paperwork and analytical tasks in medicine.

Only to be used by medical professionals and in the legally appropriate manner

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Awards, recognitions and partnerships

Save lives, time, costs and eliminate burnout

Rhazes saves 5 hours per doctor per day, addresses the causes of burnout, saves lives by reducing error and massively reduces costs at every step.

Supercharge clinician productivity

Doctors can save 5 hours per day, completing 1-hour tasks in seconds, freeing them from paperwork and other rote tasks to focus on their patients.

Eliminate medical error

Provides an instant specialist-level second opinion ensuring no diagnosis is missed and clinicians are always directed to an evidence-based management plan.

Release cash

Save on the costs of errors, paperwork and burnout, while increasing revenue through increased capacity, productivity and efficient billing.

Built by clinicians for clinicians

Rhazes was built with a deep understanding of how clinicians work and the problems they face.

Validated by research

The AI technology underlying Rhazes has been extensively studied.

Integrated into workflows and systems

Rhazes speeds up workflows rather than making new ones.

Keeps you in full control

Designed to work alongside clinicians, rather than in place of them. Everything the system does is editable, verifiable and easy to understand.

Data is secure and synced across devices

Data is accessible from multiple devices and is kept secure using state-of-the-art cybersecurity protections.

Save lives, time, costs and eliminate burnout.

Only to be used by medical professionals and in the legally appropriate manner

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